My journey in contemplative prayer started years ago when “breath prayer” helped me stay alive through a horrible health crisis in a remote area where I was alone and without help.
I didn’t know it was “breath prayer” at the time – it was just the most natural thing to do. But praying that way all night long helped me make it to the morning when I was able to get help. The stunned medics kept saying that my lungs should have collapsed, that I should have passed out and possibly died from lack of oxygen.
What exactly is “breath prayer?” It’s the most natural way to pray! The Hebrew word “ruah” and the Greek word “pneuma” both mean “breath” or “spirit.” To breathe is simply to be alive. Every breath we’re given is an acknowledgement of the life our Creator gives us. Therefore every breath is a prayer, whether we mean for it to be a prayer or not! But being conscious and intentional about it opens the door for connection and intimacy.
Pray a word or phrase as you breathe in. Hold your breath briefly as you are conscious of God’s presence. Pray a related word or phrase as you breathe out.
The words I prayed that night were simply this: Jesus, help me!
Just as that prayer was life-sustaining to me that night, breath prayer is life-giving for me today. Whether it is said once, or over and over again, it draws me into God’s presence in a way that makes Him very real to me. I soak in His presence and open myself up to receive from Him.
Often, just knowing I’ve sat in stillness in His presence is enough.
“Let every living, breathing creature praise God!”-Psalm 150:6
~shini abraham, ©2016, duco divina – contemplative doodling
Shini, i just love that you practice what i understand to be the true essence of religion. It seems to me that the mystical core of Christianity [as with other religions as well] seems to have been buried over the years in dogma and doctrine. The blessing that comes from abiding in stillness is so immense. May God shower you with it and may your cup overflow for ever. Much love from Kodi to both of you…
Can’t wait to get a hold of your book…