on freedom and choice

on freedom and choice

“I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will.” says Charlotte Brontë in Jane Eyre.  This piece explores what freedom means to those not “ensnared.” The kind that the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines as...
on demystifying contemplative prayer

on demystifying contemplative prayer

Scripture clearly asserts the value of silence in our lives. “Be still and know that I am God.” But do we know what it means to really be perfectly still? Do we slow down enough? How motivated are we to set aside time for silence and solitude? The reality of Psalm...
on amazing grace

on amazing grace

I overheard a group’s heated debate on grace in a coffee shop recently. “I believe we deserve all that God gives us by default simply because we’re his children!” said a guy as he sipped his hot pumpkin spice latté. “Christians use...
on true worship

on true worship

 Spirit and Truth In John chapter 4 we read about Jesus’ counter-cultural encounter with the Samaritan woman.  Jesus challenged well-established norms of his day by choosing to travel through Samaria, an area despised by the Jews. He chose to break journey in...
on kindness

on kindness

I’m struggling with how best to support a loved one who is currently making choices I’m convinced are harmful, destructive and contrary to foundational principles I believe in. I’m spending hours examining my heart, agonizing over how to express love...
on taking God’s hand

on taking God’s hand

Have you ever wondered why there are so many “right hand” references in the Bible? In some cultures the right hand is the designated hand for showing respect, generosity or blessing. When a gift is given, it is given with the right hand. Likewise, the...