We all wrestle with what CS Lewis calls “the problem of pain.” Why would a loving God allow His children to be exposed to pain, loss and grief?
In the very last chapter in the book of Job, after experiencing every kind of imaginable loss and pain, Job makes a profound statement to God: “My ears had heard of you, but now my eyes have seen you.”
When in seasons of pain, God nudges us gently to “see Him” like never before. It’s one thing to know about Him, but it is in knowing Him that we experience the miracle of His full provision in the midst of our challenges.
In the light of pain, it is easy to lose sight of His highest purpose for us—holiness and a personal relationship with Him that will last forever. That is His passion, His “will” for us.
© shini abraham, from Treasures in Darkness: duco divina – contemplative doodling
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